We offer a range of Hot Tub Service packages to suit your needs.
Whether you want to close down your tub for winter, open it up for summer, or just want a complete and thorough clean, then we have the hot tub service package for you!


Winterising Service
Peace of mind when you close down your tub for winter
£ 200
Deep clean & sanitise plumbing (Flush)
Fully drain spa water
Disconnect pipe work to drain the plumbing and pumps
Wet vac to ensure all water is removed from pipework
Visual inspection of internal components
Spa shell clean
Cover clean and polish
Deep clean filters
+ £30 for HighLife Range
*Additional charges may apply for new filters, repairs & parts if required
Re-Commissioning Service
Get the best from your hot tub when you open it up for summer
£ 250
Visual inspection of internal components
Spa shell clean
Cabinet clean
Cover clean and polish
Deep clean filters
Re-fill hot tub and sanitise water
*Additional charges may apply for new filters, repairs & parts if required
Annual Maintenance Hot Tub Service
Complete service package to keep your tub in top condition
£ 300
Deep clean & sanitise plumbing (Flush)
Fully drain spa water
Visual inspection of internal components
Spa shell clean
Cabinet clean
Cover clean and polish
Deep clean filters
Re-fill hot tub and sanitise water
1x new filter included
*Additional charges may apply for new filters, repairs & parts if required